Portland, OR, bans textbooks questioning ‘climate crisis’

Printed from: https://newbostonpost.com/2016/05/23/portland-school-board-bans-books-that-express-doubt-about-severity-of-climate-crisis/

(CNSNews.com) — The Portland, Oregon Public Schools (PPS) board unanimously approved a resolution removing materials from schools that could cast doubt on climate change or the idea that human beings are responsible for it.

Last week the board voted unanimously in favor of the resolution that states:

“The implementation plan should include a review of current textbooks for accuracy around the severity of the climate crisis and the impact of human activities. PPS will abandon the use of any adopted text material that is found to express doubt about the severity of the climate crisis or its root in human activities.”

In Portland Public School video of the board vote, former teacher Bill Bigelow can be seen testifying in favor of the measure.

“The resolution before you concludes, and I quote, ‘will abandon the use of any adopted text material that is found to express doubt about the severity of the climate crisis or its root in human activities’ – this is not hypothetical,” Bigelow told the board.

“A science text used in district schools is called  ‘Physical Science: Concepts in Action’, it’s published by Pearson.  Its few paragraphs on climate change are littered with doubt.”

“The text is thick with this skeptical language of ‘might’ and ‘could’ and ‘may,’” Bigelow continued.

Physical Science actually tells students – and I quote, ‘Carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles, power plants and other sources, may contribute to global warming.’ This is a section that could be written by the Exxon public relations department.”

The board voted unanimously in favor of the resolution. In the PPS video the crowd can be heard applauding the decision to ban the books from the school system.

— Written by Eric Scheiner