Trump apologizes to the real Pocahontas

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( – After liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren attacked him on the campaign trail last month, Donald Trump started calling her Pocahontas, a play on Warren’s claim that she’s part (a very small part) Cherokee Indian.

On Monday night, Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly asked Trump, “Do you regret calling her Pocahontas? Do you regret that?”

“I do regret calling her Pocahontas,” Trump replied. “Because I think it’s a tremendous insult to Pocahontas. So, Pocahontas, I would like to apologize to you.”

When Warren, then a Harvard Law School professor, ran for her current Senate seat in 2012, it emerged that she had listed herself as Native American in law school directories for many years, conferring minority status on herself.

She told reporters covering her campaign, “I have lived in a family that has talked about Native Americans, talked about tribes since I had been a little girl.

“I still have a picture on my mantel and it is a picture my mother had before that — a picture of my grandfather. And my Aunt Bea has walked by that picture at least a thousand times, remarked that he — her father, my Papaw — had high cheek bones like all of the Indians do. Because that is how she saw it; and ‘Your mother got those same great cheek bones and I didn’t.’ She that thought was the bad deal she had gotten in life.”

— Written by Susan Jones