The BLOG: Voices

Poem: Consider the seed pod

Nov. 13, 1982
By Joan C. Pendergast

The birds are out this November morn,
Looking for something to eat and finding it!
They keep lighting near my garden
On the grass.

Are they eating up all my grass seed, planted for next year?
Seeds – – –
I look at my garden with tons of seed pods
Greediness lurks in me for a flash
“will they eat my flower seeds for next year?”
Whooooooo – seeds; there are thousands of them.
I don’t need them now anyway.

I considered the generosity of God.
One little pod from one little flower, contains enough seeds
For a whole garden next year.
If I save the seed pod from one flower and dried it,
I could grow a whole garden of flowers next spring.
That one flower came from a whole plant of flowers
That came from one seed.


There are tons of seeds – enough for all of us . . .
People and birds.
Of course the birds don’t have to worry about what they will eat.
There are seeds everywhere.
And, best of all they know it.
All they have to do is seek them.
They find on one little descent to earth,
Just what they need . . .
Seeds galore.

Yes, consider the lilies they neither toil nor spin
The ravens have all they need to eat.
And we?  Have all we need.

Joan Pendergast

Joan Pendergast

Joan Pendergast founded and ran After Abortion Helpline, Inc., in Rhode Island, for 20 years, and helped develop and run Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for the Diocese of Providence. Joan is the author of “Markings of Mercy: The Story of After Abortion Helpline.”