The BLOG: Voices

Poem: Winter’s Call

Joan C. Pendergast, September 1981

A “Family Reunion”
Was conceived at my father’s funeral in December.
My cousin said, “Let’s get all the descendants together in August”
A questionnaire was sent to everyone
Asking likes and dislikes, favorite things.
“What’s your favorite season?”
Winter, I said.
S t r a n g e?

Not really.
One winter’s day while walking through the woods
Studying branches, twigs and limbs,
Looking for God’s miraculous design
While suffering loneliness, pain and heartache
God showed that He was there with HOPE in every
Branch, twig and limb.
For everywhere on God’s masterpieces
Close inspection revealed
BUDS for the coming season.
BUDS which would bring forth BLOOMS
Of colors, fragrances, incredible designs:
That next season would come forth
Into new creation of splendor on the earth,
God’s earth.
This is a sign of His love for us, His care for us.
He teaches us His ways, for all to see.
We can learn from the trees
God’s blueprints are there.
The buds tell of God’s promise of Eternal Life
For those who love Him and follow His commands, and
Willingly or not so willingly
Go through
Winters of life—suffering.
All for Christ-
His promise of fullness of life in Him.
God’s design-
His ways, not ours.
In His glory-
We become glory.
In His will-
Is our peace.

God knows.
He created.
And the buds beckon us on to hope that we can bloom
Like branches, twigs and limbs.
The Cross is how we’ll bloom.
We will walk through the deserts of winters.
We will dare to expose the buds of our lives to cold, snow and ice.
We will arrive in the valley of blooms
Hoping and being comforted in
God’s way
Creating Flowers.

Joan Pendergast

Joan Pendergast

Joan Pendergast founded and ran After Abortion Helpline, Inc., in Rhode Island, for 20 years, and helped develop and run Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for the Diocese of Providence. Joan is the author of “Markings of Mercy: The Story of After Abortion Helpline.”