More Opinion

Can These Bones Live?

Forgiving Others

The Power of Purpose

Kris Mineau, R.I.P.

The Party of Lincoln

Larry McMurtry, R.I.P.

Time To End The RINOs

On This Day

Braveheart Descending

Why Trump Lost

Nevertheless, He Persisted

How Trump Wins

The Morning After

Biden Is A Phony

ACLU Campaigns for Biden

Death and Taxes

If History Rhymes

Play Ball

Life Turned Upside Down

Drive-In Mass

The Borking of Biden

Fix Public Schools? Nah.

Run, Deval, Run

The Diversity Disaster

History Favors Trump

Uncle Catholics

Office Pool 2019

A Wall and All That Matters

Hanukkah With The Donald

Sharks or People?

Et Tu, Columbus?

The Thursday Men

Confirm Kavanaugh

Pope Francis Must Resign

What Would Roe Do?

The News Must Go On

The Bork Moment

Kerry for President

Bitcoin’s Fantasy

Office Pool 2018

The Ballad of Roy Moore

Why Jerusalem Matters

Benching Santa

The Aptly Named Jeff Flake

Reagan-Bush ’17?

Tithing and Tax Reform

A Good Reason To Boo A-Rod

The Kim Conundrum

The Real Patriots

More Catholic Than …

Catholics Need Not Apply

Wives, Be Submissive

Charlottesville Horror

Born for the USA

Lock Her Up

A Day Without Yale

No Father, No Peace

Bus Lives Matter

Dime-Store Obamacare

Aborting Jesus

CPAC’s ‘Laugh-In’

Michael Novak, R.I.P.

Standing Up for Our Values

Drinks Are On Bobby

Obama’s Disappearing Ink

Donald Trump, Peacemaker?

Hillbillies ‘R Us

Pro-Life Is Pro-Choice

Demagogues Need Not Apply

The Filibuster Must Go

Ode To Barry

Let Parents Decide

Justice Without Process?

Saying goodbye

Presidential Panic

The problem with Africa

The zen of Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving prayer

The complex Catholic vote

Exposing the elites

The crude critics of faith

Undermining our system

Freedom to work


The Grand Old Flag

Draining the poison

The sane alternative

No thank you, Obama

What’s in your wallet?

Education, without the degree

Suit up and show up

Don’t major in DEBT

Free speech

Here we go again

Farm team conservatism

Hooray for the humanities!

Our 1 percent economy

Is the Pope Catholic?

The decline of civility

A brief history lesson

The Philadelphia cry-in

Going dough nuts

Independence Day

He fights

When ‘they’ come

Gators and gorillas

Trump v. Amazon

Scalia School of Law

The shell game

The diversity fraud

Bring back etiquette

Climate change bullies

Run against Obama

The prosperity pool

Campus lunacy

City air makes you free

Trade deficit angst

The death of inclusion

Adios, Guantanamo

Set our students free

Still against Trump

Divestment follies

It takes a bully

The ghost of Pauline Kael

What to look for in a judge

The lure of socialism

Republican self-sabotage

The case for Rubio

The case for Bush

The case for Kasich

The case for Cruz

Sexual climate change

An open letter to Jeb Bush

It is only a primary

Hand-waving at evil

A nation at risk?

Poll: Sex vs. Gender

What’s a party for?

Weather as entertainment

Minimum wage dishonesty

Let 18-year-olds drink

The need to compromise

I have a dream

The faith of a King

Powerball predators

Optimism and Obama

Choice and coercion

War on Asian success

Understanding Trump

A Godless proposal

God in the cave

Don’t trust the polls

The curse of Santa

Seeing is believing

Hollywood and Christmas

The language of the Left

Religion of peace?

Giving thanks

Beyond Google

The world is at war 

Paid patriotism

The blood of Paris

Attacking our founders

Asinine in academia

The Ben Carson flaps

Mr. Ryan’s task

Deaths of desperation

The duality of diversity

All Black Lives Matter

The right answer on guns

Unlock ’em up?

Willful blindness

Republican suicide

Nation awash in debt

A woman on the ticket?

Heroin and heroism

The real Clarence Thomas

Defund progressivism

Trump without apology

Academic fascism

The new Puritans