Baker to speak at charter campaign event in State House
By State House News Service | September 22, 2015, 9:35 EDT
Gov. Charlie Baker made expanded access to charter schools a major theme of his campaign last year but has failed to file legislation to accomplish that goal.
Now, on the heels of the filing of a lawsuit by charter advocates, the governor is personally getting behind an effort by ballot activists who hope to ask voters next November to authorize the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to approve up to 12 new public charter schools or expansions of existing charters each year.
The campaign behind the initiative petition, Great Schools Massachusetts, is touting Baker’s planned appearance at a campaign press conference. While most campaigns hold events outside the State House, the 11 a.m. event will be held in Great Hall, according to an advisory circulated by Keyser Public Strategies. The governor also listed the event on his public schedule.
— Written by Michael Norton
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