Walsh plans Jan. 19 State of the City
By State House News Service | January 7, 2016, 16:51 EST
Printed from: https://newbostonpost.com/2016/01/07/walsh-plans-jan-19-state-of-the-city/
Boston Mayor Martin Walsh (AP Photo/Winslow Townson, File)
Massachusetts residents will hear about the state of its biggest city, Boston, and the state of the Commonwealth during the same week.
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, whose initial State of the City explored a now defunct bid to host the 2024 summer Olympics, returns to Symphony Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 19 to deliver his second State of the City address.
Two nights later, at the State House, Gov. Charlie Baker plans to deliver his State of the State address, which will precede the Jan. 27 filing of Baker’s second annual budget proposal.
— Written by Michael Norton
Copyright State House News Service