Text of Marijuana Notice Posted at Springfield YMCA

Printed from: https://newbostonpost.com/2018/12/13/text-of-marijuana-notice-posted-at-springfield-ymca/

[Editor’s Note:  The following is the text of a notice posted by a YMCA official in Springfield, Massachusetts concerning parents coming to the Y smelling like marijuana. This text does not include the letterhead at the top and the address at the bottom. Boldface shown below is in the original. Y officials have apologized for the notice.]


Dear Parents,


Notice on Marijuana


Please be advised there have been several complaints about parents, guardians and other adults smelling of marijuana entering and leaving our YMCA facilities (the downtown facility as well as afterschool locations).

Staff at the YMCA of Greater Springfield have smelled some of you out and have been instructed to document instances of anyone suspected of being under the influence.

While marijuana is now legal in Massachusetts, caring for children while under the influence can be considered neglect especially when operating a motor vehicle.

What you do on your leisure time is none of our concern. However, when your habit follows you into our facility it raises concerns about you being under the influence.

All YMCA employees are mandated reporters and as such, any concerns regarding the safety of children will result in us filing a “51A” against any person suspected to be under the influence with the Department of Children and Families and notify the police

Before you drop your child and/or children off “Smell Check”; if you come into our facilities and you or your children smell like marijuana or any other illegal substance, we will notify DCF, and the local police.


Sincerely, Uriah Rodriguez




Executive Director of Youth Development