Media Cover-Up: First Biden, Now Harris

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It was bad enough that the legacy media kept the country in dark about President Joe Biden’s rapidly declining mental capacity. But now we see the same pattern emerging with the media shielding the public from Vice President Kamela Harris’s character, political record, and opinions.

The fact that it took the debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump on June 27 to alert the nation of Biden’s cognitive decline can be laid squarely at the feet of the so-called mainstream media – the handmaiden of the Democratic Party.

What a cover-up! It reminds us of the early 1930s when New York Times reporter Walter Duranty received the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting about what a workers’ paradise the Soviet Union was under Josef Stalin.

Is the Biden cover-up at the same level as lionizing Stalinism and denying a government-made famine in Ukraine, as Duranty did?

No. But the approach was similar:  Forcing a narrative upon the American public to advance an agenda, truth be damned.

For Democratic Party leaders, Biden’s true mental state, and the country’s welfare, did not matter as long as they thought he could beat Trump. Key players like former President Barack Obama, current U.S. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, and former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, like most national Democratic leaders, care only about holding power, and they knew that Biden could be controlled and led by the party apparatchiks, who are mostly holdovers from the Obama regime, just as he has been over the past several years.

But the debate removed any doubt about that the media had tried to hide:  that Biden is senile and would surely lose to Trump. Something needed to be done. So, the Democratic powers-that-be pulled off a coup d’nominee. Biden with his millions of votes in the primaries was out, and Harris was in. Talk about the threat to democracy which Trump allegedly poses. Something like this has never occurred in the history of the Republic.

It didn’t take long for the mainstream media to latch onto a new lie:  That Biden’s replacement Kamala Harris is somehow a paragon of vision and competence.

Now the media is playing the same role of shielding Kamala Harris from the public. Since July 21, when Biden stepped down and endorsed Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate, she has not held one serious press conference or faced authentic questions by reporters about her political career and her actions as vice president.

It’s true that some in the mainstream media have pointed that out.

But can you imagine the howling and braying of the left-leaning press corps if former President Donald Trump had done such a thing?

Imagine the non-stop headlines and the running digital counter treating the passage of time like it’s the accumulation of the national debt.

And what about honestly reporting Harris’s record?

Vice President Harris has been President Biden’s partner in an administration that delivered one disaster after another to the American people. First and foremost, Trump’s effective control of the southern border was overturned on Day 1 of the Biden administration, and over the past 3 ½ years, more than 10 million illegal aliens have poured over the border, causing a dramatic increase in crime, a rash of fentanyl entering the country, and soaring economic costs. Boston is a case in point. And who was tasked with fixing the border crisis?  Kamala Harris!

The past 3 ½ years have also seen inflation rise more than 20 percent during the Biden-Harris administration. Real wages have risen less than the Consumer Price Index so that workers have been steadily losing ground to this hyper-inflation. Gas prices have risen since Trump left office, and mortgage interest rates have risen significantly so that buying a home is out of reach for many. So much for Bidenomics! And what is Harris proposing:  price controls, which whether tried in socialist countries or progressive countries, only restrict supply and cause more misery.

Let’s look abroad.  The withdrawal from Afghanistan was the most shameful betrayal of an American ally and humiliating foreign policy debacle in fifty years. Even worse, the weakness of the Biden/Harris administration abroad has caused dictators around the world to step up their aggression. Would Putin have invaded Ukraine, if the Biden administration had not telegraphed such weakness? And would Hamas have attacked Israel on October 7, 2023 if the Biden/Harris administration not spent so much time and effort coddling the regime in Iran? Weakness in foreign policy almost always leads to aggression, and we have witnessed that over and over the past 3 ½ years.

When will the media actually question Kamala Harris about her role in the disastrous last 3 ½ years?  When will they challenge her about her past statements against fracking? When will they ask her about her wanting reparations for slavery? About universal basic income?

Kamala Harris was widely seen as the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, when she served there from 2017 to 2021.Will a reporter from the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN or MSNBC ask her to explain her policies? Or will they just let her stick to her TelePrompter until November?

Liberals who run news outlets are fond of saying that democracy dies in the dark. We have witnessed this kind of dark for the past 3 ½ years, as shills for the Democratic Party acted like everything was fine with Joe Biden.

It will be even more pernicious for the nation if the media continues shielding the real Kamala Harris from the voters.

The public has a right to know just how clueless, malevolent, and expedient Kamala Harris is – in her own words.


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