NewBostonPost Endorses Donald Trump – For Life
By NBP Editorial Board | November 1, 2024, 11:31 EDT
Kamala Harris has never endorsed a single restriction on abortion, even right up until birth. She wants unlimited abortion nationwide.
Her running mate, Tim Walz, as governor of Minnesota signed a bill that lifted a previous requirement in state law there that doctors try to save the life of a baby born alive after an attempted abortion.
These extreme positions ought to give pause to all but ardent leftists.
This is the third of NewBostonPost’s three editorials endorsing Donald Trump for president. As we explained in the previous two (on foreign policy and on economic and social matters), we find the two major party nominees disappointing.
The Republican nominee, former President Trump, on occasion engages in behavior that is beneath decency. His many character flaws are known to all. The Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, was widely seen as the most left-wing politician in the U.S. Senate when she served there from 2017 to 2021; she has few principles, and what few she has are bad. She is also an empty suit incapable of speaking intelligibly without a TelePrompter. It’s too bad we have to pick between these two candidates.
But pick we must, because these candidates are not equally flawed. One has much to recommend him. The other doesn’t.
Previously we have written about how each candidate might conduct foreign policy, defend the country from foes, foreign and domestic, and promote the general welfare of the country, helping to lead us to domestic tranquility. In this editorial, we focus on the great moral issue of the day.
That issue is abortion, the most controversial and divisive matter in our time. While currently a majority of the electorate appears to believe that abortion should be legal at some point in a woman’s pregnancy, there are tens of millions of Americans who believe that abortion is one of the two greatest sins ever committed by this nation. These citizens see abortion in the same category of evil as slavery.
Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, the most important of which are the Ten Commandments promulgated 3,400 years ago. The Sixth Commandment states: “You shall not commit murder.” And murder has throughout Western history been seen as the taking of innocent life. What life can be more innocent than an unborn baby? This is why abortion has been condemned throughout more than three millennia of history by believing Jews and Christians.
Many will insist that a pre-born child is not a person, so abortion is therefore not murder. They will say that a woman should have the right to control her body, that she is just exercising her reproductive rights. But the reality, which we all know to be true, is that when a woman is pregnant, what is in her womb is not just a lump of flesh or a part of her body, but another being, an unborn child. That is why we congratulate a woman who is pregnant and do everything possible to take care of her and her baby right up to the time of birth.
The Old Testament is replete with verses that state that God knows the child in the womb from the moment of conception. But even non-religious people value human life. And an unborn baby is obviously human life. If you wouldn’t support killing the adult walking by you on the sidewalk, why would you support killing the person living in a womb, who is just a human being at a much earlier stage of development?
Why is this important in this election? Because Donald Trump is, as Abraham Lincoln said, on the side of “the better angels of our nature.” As president he appointed three justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who correctly understand that there is no federal constitutional right to abortion and have acted accordingly, returning the issue to the states. That June 2022 court decision, known as Dobbs, hangs in the balance in this election. Only five justices voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. New Harris nominees to the court could theoretically reinstate it.
Yet Dobbs is just and should remain law. From a legal and political point of view, this court decision is not just pro-life, it’s pro-democracy.
Kamala Harris has the opposite view. She wants abortion everywhere, regardless of what the elected representatives of a particular state think, and regardless of what the people themselves think.
Now, we acknowledge that abortion for many is a difficult issue. Like slavery during the mid-19th century, abortion is divisive. But neither is morally complicated. A slave either has a right to be free or doesn’t. A preborn baby either has a right to live or doesn’t. If a slave has the right to be free, then slavery must be stopped. If a preborn baby has a right to live, then abortion must be stopped.
Which side are you on?
Does America follow the path of the Aztecs, who sacrificed thousands of babies to their god, Huitzilopochtl, or the Canaanites, who sacrificed their children to the god Molech? As the prophet Isaiah wrote, “Woe those who call good evil and evil good.”
This is one of the great moral issues in America’s history, and Trump has taken the side of life. He’s not perfect on the issue. In fact, his platform has serious flaws.
But those flaws don’t compare to Harris’s. Sadly, like most other Democratic politicians, Harris worships at the altar of abortion.
Her political forbears can be found in the Democratic Party of the 1860s. In 1864, every Republican in Congress voted for the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawing slavery. Few Democrats voted for it.
Democrats were not on the right side then, and they aren’t on the right side now.
Democrats pretend they care about justice. What could be more unjust than terminating the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent unborn children every year?
Vote for Donald Trump to help rid the country of this evil practice, this scourge of our nation.
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