Around New England

At 87, William Shatner Is Coming To Worcester for a Star Trek Showing and Chat

March 30, 2018

William Shatner was “professional-sounding, polite, and informative” during a telephone interview advancing an appearance in Worcester next week, according to a reporter for the Worcester Telegram & Gazette.

He is planning to appear Tuesday night for a screening of Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Khan, followed by a talk and a question-and-answer session.

Among other things, he talked during the interview about how a somewhat-obscure television show that only lasted three seasons developed a cult following that blossomed through re-runs, leading eventually to a movie series juggernaut.

He didn’t see any of that coming. When the series was cancelled:

“That was that, definitely. We ran three years. We weren’t that popular. It ran in the Top 30. It wasn’t that big a deal. It had been reviewed all right, but as far as everyone was concerned that was the end of it. It certainly was for me. There was no question,” Shatner told the Telegram & Gazette.

He attributes interest in making the first Star Trek movie to the success of Star Wars.

Shatner’s appearance is at The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts in Worcester.


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