Gallery: Holy Week around the world

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Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and spans the commemoration of the days leading up to Jesus’ death and burial — from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, hailed by hosannas and palm fronds, to the Last Supper and betrayal by Judas, to the Passion of Good Friday that ends in the Crucifixion.

On the evening of Holy Saturday — March 26 this year — Christians mark the Easter vigil that leads to the observance of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday morning.

A man holds traditional palm, made of wicker twigs and decorated with colourful flowers and ribbons are pictured during the Catholic Palm Sunday procession and traditional contest for the largest handmade palm in Lipnica Murowana near Krakow, southern Poland, on March 20, 2016. (Photo courtesy of REUTERS/Lukasz Krajewski/Agencja Gazeta)
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