National Review piece names Charlie Baker the anti-Trump

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Stephen D. Eide, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, penned a piece in the National Review in which he praised Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker for resembling “an older variety of conservative.”

Eide started the column by stating that Baker, a Republican in charge of traditionally blue Massachusetts, “is the anti-Donald Trump.”

Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker is the anti–Donald Trump. He is even-tempered, skilled at working with his political opponents, compassionate, and quite possibly the most wonkish governor in America. He is certainly the most popular, a remarkable accomplishment for a Republican in one of the bluest states in the Union. That Baker should be going so strong in the age of Trump attests to the strange varieties of American federalism and should encourage Republicans who still believe that the path to power runs through serious policymaking.

Read the entire article HERE.