Seth Moulton Calls Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal A ‘F——- Disaster’

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U.S. Representative Seth Moulton (D-Salem) has denounced the Biden administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal in graphic terms.

Although Moulton, a U.S. Marine veteran who was briefly a part of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary in 2019, supported Joe Biden for president over then-incumbent Republican Donald Trump, he was highly critical of Biden in a recent interview with New York Magazine.

“The thing that everybody needs to understand, even if you completely agree with the Biden administration’s decision to withdraw, the way they have handled this has been a total [expletive deleted] disaster,” Moulton told the publication. “It will be measured in bodies, because a lot of people are dying because they can’t get out.”

Moulton and U.S. Representative Peter Meijer (R-Michigan) made a trip to Afghanistan last week to see the situation on the ground, to the dismay of Democratic Party leadership.

Moulton said he hates “criticizing Biden.”

However, he told New York Magazine:  “If telling the truth is what’s required to save a few lives, then it’s worth all the bad politics in the world.”

He added:  “I agree with 95 percent of his agenda. I’m still on board with him and I believe this was a massive mistake. But I come to all of this as a Marine first and politician second. That’s always who I’ve been and it’s always who I’ll be.”

Shortly after administration officials announced that the U.S. military would withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban went on the offensive and captured Kabul as the country’s president fled. Now, there are Americans still in Afghanistan trying to make it out of the country, and 13 American troops were killed in a terrorist attack conducted by ISIS-K (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province). That includes United States Marine Corps Sergeant Johanny Rosario Pichardo, a 25-year-old Lawrence native, who attended Bridgewater State University.

This isn’t the first time that Moulton has spoken out against members of his own party.

In 2018, he led an effort to try to prevent his fellow Democrats from making Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House when the party regained the majority in the 2018 midterm election.

“This election was a call for change,” Moulton told Politico of Pelosi in November 2018. “I think if our party answers that call, that call for change with the amazing victories we had across this country, by just saying we’re going to reinstall the same status quo leadership we’ve had since 2006, for over 10 years, I don’t think we’re answering the call of the American people.”

Moulton eventually supported Pelosi’s re-election as Speaker.


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