Maura Healey Told Abortion-Friendly Group She Supports No Abortion Restrictions
By Tom Joyce | September 20, 2022, 17:35 EDT
What restrictions on abortion does the Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts support?
Apparently none.
Maura Healey, the current state attorney general and Democratic nominee for governor, isn’t saying it now, but she is on the record as supporting no restrictions on abortion.
Healey made the statement to the pro-abortion group Emily’s List when she was first running for attorney general in 2014. Emily’s List — based on an acronym standing for Early Money Is Like Yeast — is a political action committee founded to elect Democratic women who support abortion.
The third question on the 2014 questionnaire, which is not available on Healey’s current campaign web site, asked candidates about abortion restrictions.
Here is what it said:
There have been numerous attempts in state legislatures and in the U.S. Congress to restrict access to abortion (for example, parental consent, waiting periods, making it a crime for someone to accompany a minor across state lines).
Do you favor any legislation restricting access to abortion? If so, what?
To this, Healey answered “No,” without further explanation.
In addition to the aforementioned abortion restrictions on the Emily’s List questionnaire, other abortion restrictions include: fetal gestational limits, born-alive protections, parental notification requirements, informed consent forms, spousal notification, partial-birth abortion bans, sex-selective abortion bans, restricting public funding of abortion, requiring abortions to be performed by a licensed physician, and requiring late-term abortions to be performed at a hospital.
Healey’s “Reproductive Freedom” agenda on her current campaign web site does not mention her support for zero abortion restrictions.
Her current campaign site mentions support for already-passed abortion-expansion legislation in Massachusetts and says that she will work with the Beyond Roe Coalition on its legislative agenda.
“Working to enact other recommendations of the Beyond ROE Coalition,” Healey’s site says.
The Beyond Roe Coalition is a joint effort between Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Reproductive Equity Now, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts.
Its legislative priorities include removing a current statute requiring the consent of a parent or a judge for minors under 16 years old seeking an abortion and giving more public money to abortion providers.
The coalition wants more state funding spent on abortion clinics.
“As Roe falls, our clinics will need financial assistance to ensure they have the proper infrastructure and capacity to meet increased demand,” the Beyond Roe Coalition’s web site states. “State funds must be allocated to invest in security enhancements, boost staffing, and acquire the technology needed to facilitate telehealth services.”
The Beyond Roe Coalition web site also calls for increased MassHealth reimbursement rates for abortions – making Bay State taxpayers spend more money on abortions.
“MassHealth reimbursement rates are low — often far below the cost of care — for both abortion care and for family planning and preventative care offered at sexual and reproductive health care clinics,” the web site says. “These rates must be increased to ensure providers are properly reimbursed for critical care provided to low-income patients. Furthermore, telehealth services for abortion care are increasingly popular, and we must ensure that future regulations do not disincentivize telehealth by reimbursing at a lower rate than in-person care.”
Healey’s campaign, the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Reproductive Equity Now, and Emily’s List could not be reached for comment on Monday or Tuesday this week.
Two images from the questionnaire are below. The entire questionnaire can be seen by clicking here.
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