Don’t Go to College: A Case for Revolution Makes Strong Moral Case Against Modern Colleges

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Should young Americans go to college?

Two former professors addressed the topic in Don’t Go to College: A Case for Revolution, released in August last year.

Two committed Catholics, former Oxford University professor Michael Robillard (Whitman-Hanson Class of 1998) and Timothy Gordon, a philosopher who has taught at various community colleges in California, provide readers with some healthy skepticism.

The authors don’t tell the reader that no one should attend college, as the title may imply; but they do not see it as a must for every high school graduate. Nor do they think society should push everyone in that direction.

The authors mostly focus on the moral arguments against modern-day colleges and voice support for classical education at less Woke institutions for those inclined to attend college.

While the book addresses the liberals and leftists that dominate academia and harm everyone else’s experience, it also addresses how these views harm society, especially in science.

The professors note the modern-day obsession with scientism in academia, coupled with the embrace of highly-politicized science that ignores basic facts or creates alternative realities, as was the case in the Soviet Union. They also highlight the idea that all science is absolute and cannot be questioned, even though results of research change over time and not every hypothesis is correct.

For example, we live in a world where liberals and leftists will claim that men can get pregnant, even though any logically-minded person knows that is impossible. However, those who reject such a ridiculous premise may be portrayed as a bigot by liberal academia.

Or, while liberal academia may be filled with climate alarmists, they’ll never acknowledge the impact mass immigration has on increased carbon emissions. The gross Dr. Fauci worship during the coronavirus pandemic is presented as somehow warranted by liberal academia. Some wanted to lock down the world forever and portrayed anyone who didn’t as evil grandma killers, even though we now have reports that indicate that prolonged lockdowns likely did more harm than good.

Additionally, the authors make some arguments against higher education that the many people may not consider, such as exposure to vice, sexually transmitted diseases, and delayed adulthood. They also note how the exorbitant cost is more expensive than people think when factoring in interest rates on student loans and opportunity costs, including chances to earn money and develop skills rather than paying to sit in a classroom. 

Even so, the authors know that some high school students are college-bound. So the book provides families with a list of schools that, if students insist on going to college, are better than most. Although the authors acknowledge the list is imperfect and advise families to do their own research, the book will likely provide value to families. It should help families find schools that are a better fit for their children rather than putting them on some campus that represses free speech and puts tampons in men’s bathrooms.

The book is not a how-to guide about getting specific jobs without a college degree. You will have to look elsewhere for that information. However, this book provides a valuable perspective into the rottenness of the higher education system from authors who know it well.


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