Gordon-Conwell Trustee To Speak At Evangelicals For Harris Event This Week

Printed from: https://newbostonpost.com/2024/08/12/gordon-conwell-trustee-to-speak-at-evangelicals-for-harris-event-this-week/

A member of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s board of trustees plans to speak at an Evangelicals For Harris online event this week.

The coalition, which supports the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris, is hosting a Zoom event at 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 14.

Bishop Claude Alexander is one of 13 people scheduled to speak at the event. He is the senior pastor at The Park Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, in addition to his involvement with the seminary on the North Shore of Massachusetts.

The Park Church is a predominantly black Baptist church with an average weekly attendance of 6,000 people, according to Axios.

This is not Alexander’s first time campaigning for a Democratic presidential candidate against former President Donald Trump.

Alexander was part of a coalition called Pro-Life Evangelicals For Biden during the 2020 presidential campaign, supporting then-former Vice President Joe Biden.

Alexander signed onto a statement from that coalition in October 2020 noting his opposition to abortion while expressing support for Biden, who was running for president while supporting legal and publicly funded abortion.

Here is what it said:


As pro-life evangelicals, we disagree with Vice President Biden and the Democratic platform on the issue of abortion. But we believe a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.

Many things that good political decisions could change destroy persons created in the image of God and violate the sanctity of human life. Poverty kills millions every year. So does lack of healthcare and smoking. Racism kills. Unless we quickly make major changes, devastating climate change will kill tens of millions. Poverty, lack of accessible health care services, smoking, racism and climate change are all pro-life issues. As the National Association of Evangelicals’ official public policy document (FOR THE HEALTH OF THE NATION) insists, ‘Faithful evangelical civic engagement and witness must champion a biblically balanced agenda.’  Therefore we oppose ‘one issue’ political thinking because it lacks biblical balance.

Knowing that the most common reason women give for abortion is the financial difficulty of another child, we appreciate a number of Democratic proposals that would significantly alleviate that financial burden:  accessible health services for all citizens, affordable childcare, a minimum wage that lifts workers out of poverty.

For these reasons, we believe that on balance, Joe Biden’s policies are more consistent with the biblically shaped ethic of life than those of Donald Trump. Therefore, even as we continue to urge different policies on abortion, we urge evangelicals to elect Joe Biden as president.


Vice President Harris, whom Alexander supports this year, opposes government restrictions on abortion.

“Donald Trump has said the government should decide whether women can access abortion care, whereas we say the government should never come between a woman and her doctor,” Harris said at an EMILYs List gala in Washington D.C. on May 8, 2024.

EMILYs List is a special interest group that supports women running for public office who oppose government restrictions on abortion.

Similarly, Alexander signed onto an open letter from 94 Evangelical pastors in October 2016 that called Trump a racist and urged Christians to oppose his presidential campaign.

Here is what the letter said, in part:


We believe the candidacy of Donald J. Trump has given voice to a movement that affirms racist elements in white culture — both explicit and implicit. Regardless of his recent retraction, Mr. Trump has spread racist “birther” falsehoods for five years trying to delegitimize and humiliate our first African-American president, characterizing him as “the other” and not a real American citizen. He uses fear to demonize and degrade immigrants, foreigners, and people from different racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. He launched his presidential campaign by demonizing Mexicans, immigrants, and Muslims, and has repeatedly spoken against migrants and refugees coming to this country — those whom Jesus calls “the stranger” in Matthew 25, where he says that how we treat them is how we treat him. Trump has steadily refused to clearly and aggressively confront extremist voices and movements of white supremacy, some of whom now call him their “champion,” and has therefore helped to take the dangerous fringes of white nationalism in America to the mainstream of politics.


Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, based in Hamilton, Massachusetts, is an evangelical, interdenominational graduate school of theology. It has campuses in Hamilton and Boston, Massachusetts; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Jacksonville, Florida.

The school has 1,373 students from 85 different denominations and 50 countries, according to its web site.

“You can anticipate being pushed to think in ways you never imagined, for the Church needs thinking Christians who can address our contexts from a Christian worldview perspective,” the school’s site says. “You will be prodded to deepen your walk with Christ, while looking outward to the needs of the world. You will meet professors and fellow-students who may think differently than you do about those parts of our faith that are secondary to the core. And, they will expand your own theological and spiritual horizons.”

“You will find professors who are world renowned while giving themselves personally to your needs and concerns,” it adds. “You will be encouraged to have a passion for a world without Christ, while giving attention to the needs of the whole person and the whole of society. You will sometimes be nudged beyond your comfort zone to become prepared to serve Christ wherever he calls you.”

The school is distinct from Gordon College, also in Hamilton, though Baptist preacher Adoniram Judson Gordon founded both institutions. However, Gordon-Conwell and Gordon College have partnered to let juniors and seniors at Gordon College take up to two courses at Gordon-Conwell for credit while enrolled at Gordon College, according to the Gordon-Conwell web site.

Alexander could not be reached for comment on Sunday or Monday. Nor could a spokesman for Gordon-Conwell.


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