Framingham Elementary School Launches After-School LGBT Rainbow Club

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A Framingham elementary school plans to host an after-school club aimed at children who are attracted to members of the same sex or who identify with a gender that doesn’t correspond to their sex in the new year.

King Elementary School, which serves kindergarten through grade 5, announced last month that it will host a monthly Rainbow Club, as the Massachusetts Family Institute reported.

Here is what the school’s form to sign up for the Rainbow Club says:


Welcome to Rainbow Club, a safe, affirming, welcoming space for all students, families, and allies!

WHEN & WHERE: Rainbow Club meets the first Thursday of the month (3/6, 4/3, 5/1, 6/5), with the exception of January and February which will meet the second Thursday (1/9, and 2/13) from 3:30PM to 4:30PM in Room 208 (Ms. Chase’s room) 

*Please Note: Our first meeting will be Thursday, January 9th!* WHO: Rainbow Club is for those who are gender expansive, gender curious/questioning, identifying as LGBTQ+, have LGBTQ+ family members, and those who are allies and want to learn how best to support the LGBTQ+ community. Family members are welcome and encouraged to join, too! Our goal is to build and strengthen our LGBTQ community! WHAT: Rainbow Club is an after school club that offers a safe, affirming and welcoming space where you can be your true, lovely self.  We learn about the LGBTQ+ community and how we can support it through socializing and enjoying fun activities.

This is a safe space. By attending, you and/or your child are agreeing to:

  • Respect Names & Pronouns.
  • Use kind language & support others.
  • Listen when others are talking & take turns.
You are Loved. You are Worthy. You are Brave. You are Enough.
And we can’t wait to meet you!


Nothing on the form to sign up for the Rainbow Club requires that a parent sign to consent to a child’s participation.

Additionally, the Parent Teacher Organization of King Elementary School promoted the Rainbow Club on its Facebook page.

“Rainbow club starts again starting 1/2/25️‍ A safe, affirming, welcoming space for all students, families and allies!” the post said.

Massachusetts Family Institute communications and research assistant Jessica Richardson told NewBostonPost that public schools shouldn’t promote transgenderism to children who still believe in Santa Claus.

“Rainbow Clubs operate in the name of promoting kindness and belonging, but they are often activist in intent. An impressionable child who attends a Rainbow Club seeking friendship and fun will leave instead with a head full of new and confusing ideas about gender and sexuality,” Richardson told NewBostonPost by email. “This is not just inappropriate, it is dangerous. Kids this age still believe in Santa Claus. They do not yet have the discernment or maturity to filter out ideas that do not comport with biological reality.  With so much evidence coming out about the dangers of ‘gender-affirming care,’ schools should be working harder to protect kids from this sort of indoctrination. Instead, too many of them – like Framingham – seem to be pushing for more of it.”

King Elementary School serves about 400 students from kindergarten through grade 5, according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The students generally range in age from 5 to 11 years old.


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