Around New England

More Teaching Assistants Needed For Taylor Swift Course At Harvard

January 6, 2024

A new Harvard course called “Taylor Swift and Her World” is so popular that its professor is publicly calling for more teaching assistants.

“We will learn how to think about illicit affairs, and hoaxes, champagne problems and incomplete closure,” the course description says.

“Ok I’m doing this,” Harvard professor Stephanie Burt posted to X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday, January 3. “Our Taylor Swift course at Harvard is so popular that we need additional teaching assistants. If you live in the Boston/Providence metro, love Tay, & have *qualifications or experience to teach a writing intensive college course,* my DMs are open.”

Since making the appeal, Burt has received more than enough applications. “I went from not having enough people who [were qualified] to having dozens, possibly 150, applications in just a few hours,” she told CBS News Boston.

Burt, a biological male who identifies as a woman, is a professor of English at Harvard.


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