The BLOG: Voices

Poem: Poverty pocket

By Joan C. Pendergast
Dec. 27, 1984

Each of us has our own poverty pocket
That place of deep hurt that’s scarred us the most
Its crippling effects have their day in the sun
Until the great healer comes, Jesus God’s Son.

Slowly He fashions a jewel from our poverty
He needs our consent, time with prayer and hard work.
This pocket has stages of taking new shaping
Its ultimate destiny is love (gift) for our world.

Once we pierce through denial, with support
We begin the steep journey, we make our ascent
Crooked paths begin to turn into straight ones.
With insight and truth we make clear connections
Through confessing the dark pain that tripped us up.

We look under rocks at the nightmares that haunt us
And find when the light shines their activity departs,
We may travel through anger bargaining, depression
To acceptance, forgiveness and merciful hearts.

We then can embrace our poverty pocket
This nightmare of a frog has changed to a prince
We are ready by now to reach out to others
From this center of health that dwells within us.

I’m sure there is more – a new set of growth stages
Once we embrace Lady Poverty our new friend
I’ve found that first helping springs forth from this jewel
Towards people who mirror such wounded events.

It’s safer to reach out to one who is similar
But not in the same way wounded and pierced
There’s space and individuality, allowed in this manner
Right now that’s how poverty is speaking in me.

It’s the general lesson of embracing poverty
That binds us together and opens us up
Our poverty is tailored for you and for me folks

It gives us new vision and new understanding
Respect for each other and courage to see
That a poverty pocket that dwells in my brother
Is similar to the one that dwells within me.

Joan Pendergast founded and ran After Abortion Helpline, Inc., in Rhode Island, for 20 years, and helped develop and run Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for the Diocese of Providence. Joan is the author of “Markings of Mercy: The Story of After Abortion Helpline.”