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Did Teachers Really Used To Make Kids Memorize Without Understanding?
December 7, 2017... Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of Arkansas. Read her past columns here....... Education Achievement Gaps Based on Poverty?
November 26, 2017...that the best Congress and the federal education officials can do? Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of...... to Fool the Public, One Education Test At A Time
November 15, 2017...punished by unknown pass/fail committees? Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of......‘Diversity’: The Major Obstacle in Strengthening Teacher Quality
October 24, 2017...Stotsky (the author of this column).) Vice Chair Chernow said her concern is that teacher licensing is already overly complex and bureaucratic, and additional tests complicate it further. She said...... on Education: If It Don’t Work, Don’t Fix It
October 13, 2017... Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of Arkansas. Read her past columns here....... the Feds To Run Local Public Schools? Make ‘Em Get A Permission Slip from Parents
September 21, 2017...particular color or national origin. Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of...... Down What Students Read Didn’t Make Them Any Smarter
September 1, 2017... Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of Arkansas. Read her past columns here....... There Anything Common Core Gets Right?
July 7, 2017...pass/fail scores for all performance levels of “college readiness” tests in high school. As valuable as Pullmann’s current book is, parents badly need a follow-up — soon. Sandra Stotsky, former...... Can’t We Raise Academic Requirements for K-12 Teachers?
June 11, 2017...have found. Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, is professor of education emerita at the University of Arkansas. Read her...... Spend Billions on Professional Development for Teachers?
May 21, 2017...taught in each of grades 9, 10, and 11 in Massachusetts public high schools today. Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary...... Federal Government’s War on Local School Boards
May 7, 2017...(in exchange for federal funds) without their permission and without the approval of a governor and a state legislature? Sandra Stotsky, former senior associate commissioner at the Massachusetts Department......