Five Shocking Stats About The Joe Biden Presidency 1,000 Days Into His Term

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Bad news, America:  Joe Biden has been president for 1,000 days.

Biden’s 1,000th day in office began on Monday, October 16, 2023 — and, to put it nicely, it’s not going well. 

That said, here are five shocking statistics from the Biden presidency.


1.  16 percent

That’s how much purchasing power American consumers have lost since Biden took office. He signed into law the inflation-inducing $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act in March 2021 that, among other things, provided more revenue to states and municipalities than they knew what to do with. Unsurprisingly, communities spent it on pork, as NewBostonPost has reported.


2.  39.6 percent

That’s Biden’s approval rating, according to FiveThirtyEight. It makes him the least popular president at this point in his presidency since Jimmy Carter had an atrocious 32.9 percent approval rating 1,000 days into his first and only term. Dating back to Harry Truman, this makes Biden the second-least popular president at this point of his presidency of the polling era.

The most surprising part about this statistic, however, might be that nearly 40 percent of the country claims to like Biden as president.


3.  $5.77 trillion

That’s how much money has been added to the national debt since Biden took office — an average of $5.77 billion per day. Our current president is no beacon of fiscal responsibility. If the country continues at this awful pace, four years of Biden will add $8.43 trillion to the national debt.

Thankfully, a divided Congress will prevent it from getting that bad, but whatever it ends up, it still won’t be pretty.


4.  1.6 million

That’s at least how many illegal immigrants have evaded apprehension and entered the country via the United States-Mexico border during the Biden presidency. It’s a reminder of how the Biden administration has failed to secure the southern border, which now sees nearly 3 million migrant encounters per fiscal year.

It’s almost as if liberals incentivizing illegal immigration is a bad idea.


5.   67 percent

That’s how many Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents want the Democratic Party to nominate someone other than Joe Biden as their presidential candidate in 2024, according to a September 2023 CNN poll.

In theory, Biden should win his party’s nomination without problem, since he lacks a serious primary challenger.  Even so, it is telling that even that vast majority of Democrats would prefer someone else as their party’s nominee.


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